God, You are my God. I will forever give You praise. Honor and celebrate Your name. God of the past, present and who is come. Oh, God you are my God. Donald Lawrence
What is it about the privilege which we are granted to call the Most Holy God, the Living God, the One True God, Jehovah, Almighty - My God ?
This personal, intimate invitation that feels so exclusive. Why does it quicken my heart when I speak it? Why does a warmth rush through me? Tears well even as I write it. MY....truly? The God of the universe, mine as if there were no one else. How can it be that all my trust rests here? All purposefully abandoned to My God. Why does it take us so long in our faith journey to realize this gift? I am His, He is mine. The Cross which was done once for all had my name etched in the timbers. He lived and died so that I could feel the rush of warmth, the welling tears, the quickening in my heart when I intimately call Him- mine. How do so many of us get lost in the crowd, never noticing our name on the timbers? Having knowledge of Him, but never KNOWING Him as mine?
Oh, My God. I will forever praise You.
May every believer come to know Your presence which settles deep in our spirit and allows us to move in synch with you. This part in us that testifies to You. That cries out in praise. That lifts hands to You. That falls on bended knees before You. There are no words that properly capture it. They escape me. It is a soul cry that knows nothing other than pure adoration.
You are My God and I will forever praise You.
Keep me forever in awe of You.