Saturday, May 22, 2010

I, even I, am the LORD and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed- I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses declares the Lord, that “I am God”, yes from ancient days. I am He. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act who can reverse it? Isa 43:11-13

There is so much wrapped up this passage today. So many thoughts to ponder on, to inspire, to move the heart. Today I am hit hard from the beginning – “I am the LORD and apart from me there in no Savior.” Yes, I know that. Yes, I have learned that since the early days, when the mind was little and trusting. Those early days that brought forth the faith commitment to accept the Savior and secure eternity. It’s the growing - up days though, that reveal the many dimensions, the many ways in which I need saving.

Today the realization startles me. Apart from me there is no savior….who and what have I hailed as savior in my life? What foreign god have I allowed to sit on Your throne? And the list begins. Far too long for my liking. I’ve become quite accustomed to naming them as idols, fighting them relentlessly. But, today I am intrigued by the possibility of having hailed them as saviors. It’s one revolting thing to worship them, but to actually believe that apart from them I have no hope... have I really done that? What striking credit to bestow upon these impostors.

I love that my Lord will infiltrate my heart in whatever way necessary. He reveals all my ways and reaches deeply into me to sheer away false identities, exposing the reality in the bright light of His Truth. So, my list forms, likely to flesh itself out even greater as time moves on. For now, he has allowed me to see what is necessary for this moment, necessary for my refining. As usual I am reminded that when we are given much, He expects much of us. He has gifted me with this realization. His expectation weighs in with gentle urgency. Remove these foreign gods and place your full trust in Me. I am His witness, He is alone is God.

No person is my savior.

No man is my savior.

No job is my savior.

No amount of money is my savior.

No home or location is my savior.

No friendship is my savior.

No child is my savior.

No medication is my savior.

No number on a scale is my savior.

No refined image is my savior.

The LORD alone is my Savior. He sits on the throne and I am on bended knee. My life in all it’s frail imperfections is owed to Him and by His grace He crafts something of great value out of nothing.

These false saviors begin the process of being cast out. Their deceiving, powerless appeal laid barren in His light. Each now forced to face the Almighty, the one from ancient days, who's works can never be reversed and I humbly ask...Lord in this moment, please do an irreversible work in me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Weeks have marched by. Seasons have come and gone and I find myself lured back to this space of release. Remembering how much I love to testify to His goodness. Remembering how much I need to testify to His goodness.
I find myself embedded deep in lessons of trust these days. Lessons that seem crafted especially for me. What are You preparing for me? Will I have the privilege of knowing? Are You sure this wavering soul can handle this journey? I begin with elementary responses to the invitation to trust. Fear of the outcome is heavy and I muddle through the river of emotions with whispered declarations, "I trust You". Again and again the words flow out, in a chant -like offering, soothing the wandering mind. Every statement lifted up gains confidence and heart desire. This becomes routine over the early days. Genuine trust in His goodness prevails. Days wear on though and He chooses to extend the lesson. It becomes necessary to weave a lesson in patience into the plan as this restless heart fights to chart her own course. The chant - offering somehow seems to have lost it's ability to encourage the fearful heart. The mind wanders back to the early questions - are you sure I am strong enough to handle the work You are doing here? What if Your outcome is not what my heart is desperate for? Will I trust you still? Will I trust You through the pain that is sure to follow? All my days of abiding with You...will they have prepared me enough to live out what I believe?
In the end, the prevailing Truths are simple in their nature. You are good. You are sovereign. Your ways are higher. You work all things for the good of those who love You. I gave my life to You a long time ago. It is still Yours. I will not take it back. Only now am I beginning to know what it means to live an abandoned life in the exceedingly capable care of the One who created me.
And so my chant - offerings deepen in trust and envelop me. I am Yours. I will go where You lead. I will do as You ask. And I find myself back where I began. Confident in who You are.
I trust You.

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10