Thursday, November 5, 2009

Could I just sit here today? All day here, beside You? Could I just rest in Your illuminating Presence? This heart inside me must recognize it's Maker, it flutters at the mere thought of You. My spirit floats and my soul settles into deep peace at the mention of Your name.
I find You everywhere today. You are piercing blue washed across the sky. You are cool breeze brushing up against me. You are in the sweet smile of precious little ones. You are in the warm hand slipped lovingly into mine.
You are everywhere and you are right here...beside me. I won't pretend to understand it or search for words to explain it. I will just dwell in it. Oh, that I would not forget these feelings. What would the mirror reveal in this moment? It would paint unhindered expression and a girlish smile. It would tell of eyes welled with heavy tears of gratitude.
Amazing, Sovereign, LORD. Lord of the blue sky. Lord of the cool breeze. Lord over all creation.

Lord of my heart..... I give You all the glory. I give You my life. I'd like to sit here every day, with You.

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